King's College London
King's College London is one of the leading universities in the world, constantly evolving, and always growing. The King's Estates & Facilities team were faced with the task of moving many research and teaching departments from scattered campuses into temporary accommodation while other facilities were refurbished and upgraded. A complex move programme was drawn up but it did mean that some departments could not have space unless other departments move, so everything had to be synchronsed, and just one delay would jeopardise the whole project.
The Estates & Facilities move coordinator was eager to emphasise the need for King's staff to follow the move programme. Working with the move coordinator, we broke down who needed to know what and by when. Most of the detail was going to be available last minute so this was uploaded to a 'move' page on the King's website. Atelier then developed a small hand-out booklet, introducing key points and guiding the reader to the right website page for the latest detailed information.
The synchronisation was so precise that one King's department had to move before another could. "It is like a slide puzzle" said Christine Ayre, Head of Corporate Design at King's. A slide puzzle promptly emerged as the perfect representation of the problem. Given this strong graphic, Atelier decided to make it move. The hand-out booklet became a flick-book with an animated King's slide puzzle. The disunited King's logo becomes whole again by the end of a flick — succinctly making the point that university will function far better after all of the moving has been completed.
Other King's projects: Ripple Effect , Shoulders of Giants , On the Front Line , Meet the Professors , Making a Difference , University Alumni , University DNA , Selling a University , Opening Doors...